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Bodywork & Myofascial Release: Why it's Important


What is Bodywork?

Bodywork is known as an alternative medicine therapy that is accomplished through touch and body manipulation. Bodywork is an integration of many different modalities that take body analysis, physical touch and kinesiology (movement of the body) into account when treating a patient. The body worker uses this knowledge to make a treatment plan specific to each patients needs and functions.


Bodywork and the Nervous System

The nervous system is a complex network that fully integrates the body. It is what is responsible for relaxation, love, stress, anxiety and so much more. Every interaction between a person and the world around them has a direct impact on the nervous system whether you notice it or not. When a bodyworker is working on a persons muscles, they are directly working with the nervous system. For this reason, it is important to not just focus on the movement and muscles, but to take into account the whole person in front of them. A bodyworker should notice a persons movement, sounds, shifts, tensing muscles, expression and more. It is important to honor the whole body and the impact touch can have. Every touch, look, exchange etc. is important when receiving bodywork.


What is Myofascial Release?

Myofascial release is a type of bodywork known for the manipulation of the soft tissue (muscles) of the body. The body is connected by an intricate system of connective tissue called fascia. When there is a restriction, it can cause the muscles around that area, as well as to the others that are connected by fascia, to become tense. By manipulating the soft tissue it assists the fascia, and therefore muscle, to realign and return back to their typical resting state.


Bodywork and Breastfeeding

Birth is a beautiful experience but is taxing to the body of the infant. From the way they held themselves in utero, to the birthing process, the muscles have been put through a lot of stress and strain. This strain can show up in many different ways in your baby's body. Ways to recognize if your baby is experiencing muscles tightness include:


  • A preference of placing head on one side or the other. More severe cases are known as Torticollis

  • Sleeping with arms overhead

  • Breast refusal

  • Preference of one breast over the other

  • Arching away from breast

  • Arching to one side over the other

  • Constant nursing

  • Does not Like Tummy Time


If you're experiencing any of these symptoms, contact us for a consult.


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